I was asked at work (Nextiili) to make a new footstool to be shown at Asta-fair (building and living fair, was at weekend a week ago). OK, I thought, let's make something totally different I have ever made, and nobody could guess what kind of a footstool it became! Best ever! The only thing which made me sad about it was that I could not buy it myself, because there was not suitable colors at home / country cottage / my children's homes. This footstool was sold immediately after it was brought back to my workplace.
Rahin istuinosa vaati melkein kokonaan yhdet erikoiset farkut.
The top of the footstool demanded almost totally one pair of jeans.
Rahin joka sivu on erilainen.
Each side of this footstool is different.
Messuille haluttiin myös jonkinlainen tyyny. Toteutin siinä samaa periaatetta: tehdään jotain ihan erilaista. Niittejä, hapsureunaa, pitsejä, nappeja, vetoketjuja. Tyynyn koko 70 x 70 cm.
Also some kind of a cushion was wanted to be shown at the fair. I made it with same principle: something totally different. Staples, fringed edges, laces, buttons, zippers. Size of this cushion is 70 x 70 cm.
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