I have made a lots of bags for different sizes of mobile devices. This time I'll show you my bags for tablet computers. All these bags have removable strap, so the bag can be used not only as a cover for tablet, but also as a shoulder bag. The bags have lining and they have several pockets inside. The size of a bag is about 25 x 30 cm. All these bags can be bought from Finnish Craft and Design -fair here in Tampere 18.-20.11.2016, hall C, sales point C704. If only you are in Finland on those days, I can promise you it is worth visiting this fair.
Tämä on oma suosikkini. Laukussa on n. 100 kpl kaksireikäisiä punaisia nappeja.
This is my own favorite. This bag has about 100 red buttons with two holes.
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