This year I have a stand in Tampere craft fair in November. There you can find button jewelry and accessory which are unique, big, showy and totally hand made in Finland. Also bags for different sizes of handhelds and laptops can be found from my stand. These bags are made of jeans patches, all together eight different color combinations can be found. There will also be origami post cards and crocheted bags made of thin cotton rag (we call it "poppana")
Tässä muutama "maistiainen" myyntiin tulevista tuotteista.
Here you can find some examples of products to be for sale.
Kaulakorun kaltainen irtokaulus ja solmio.
A collar and a tie which are used as a necklace.
Napeista täysin ompelematta tehty iltalaukku, jossa irroitettava sanka. Sankaa voi käyttää kaulakoruna, laukun mukana tulee kaulakoruun liitettävä riipus.
A mini purse which has been made totally without sewing. The handle is removable and can be used as a necklace. A matching medallion will follow every purse like this.
Kaulakoruja on vaikka minkä mallisia, värisiä ja pituisia.
You can find almost any kind of model, color and length of necklaces.
Farkkutilkkulaukkuja useille mobiililaitteille, tässä läppärilaukku.
Bags for different size of handhelds, here a bag for laptops.
Laukku tablettitietokoneelle, voidaan käyttää tavallisena olkalaukkunakin (olkahihna kuuluu vakiovarusteisiin).
A bag for tablet computer, this can be used also as an usual shoulder bag (strap includes).
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