Tein tämän lahjaksi pienelle veljenpojalleni, 24.9. syntyneelle pikku Aimolle. Mietin pitkään mitä pienelle lahjaksi, kunnes muistin kuinka omat tyttäreni rakastivat pehmoleluja siitä lähtien kun osasivat tarttua niihin kiinni. Ihania ulokkeita joihin tarttua ja joita pureskella. Siispä pehmolelu myös Aimolle. Virkattu puuvillalangasta 1,75 koukulla, täytetty villalangan pätkillä melko kovaksi että pysyy muodossaan. Ei ainoatakaan irtoavaa osaa, kaikki ulokkeet on virkattu paikoilleen työn edetessä.
Crochet work for a change, this time it is amigurumi. Or is it too big to be an amigurumi, it's height is about 20 cm from ears to toes. Whatever it is, I've heard that it looks like a mouse, so a mouse it is, or is it an amigurumi mouse?
I made this as a gift for my little nephew, little Aimo-boy, born 24.9. this year. For a long time I wondered what could be a good gift for a little baby. Then I remembered how my daughters loved their soft animal toys ever since they knew how to grab things. So I made a soft toy animal for Aimo-boy, too. It is made of cotton yarn with 1,75 hook, filled quite hard with wool yarn ends to keep its form. Not a single lose or to-be-lose parts, every limb, nose and ears have been crocheted into their places.
Hiiri eestä...
The mouse's frontside...
...hiiri takaa...
...and it's backside...
...hiiri istuu...
...the mouse is sitting...
...hiiri mak... HEI! Mihinkäs sitä ollaan oikein menossa? Kuvaukset on kesken!
...the mouse is slee.. HEY! Where do you think you are going? We have still a lot to do!
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